•The Index card holds a list of keywords. Clicking on one of them will take you to a reference card.
•Command-Clicking on an asterisked word in a reference text field will take you to another reference card keyed on that word.
•You can create a new reference card by Option-Clicking on a word in a reference text field. If a card for that word (or one close to it) already exists, you'll be taken care of.
•Clicking on the keyword field (found in the upper left area of a reference card) will yield a list of cards that contain that word and could link to it. This list acts like the main index, allowing simple clicking on a word for navigation.
•After a session in XrefText, it is strongly recommended to Re-Index the stack, which lists the new keywords, compacts the stack, and reduces the chance for lookup ambiguities.
•The small "icon" buttons in the blacked-out menubar area are explained above.
•Note: The button at the bottom left of the index card places a custom-icon button on your home card that will work for this or any future XrefText-based stack generated by the New Stack button. The button is named to the name of the stack and refers to that name when invoked. Once you've got the button where you want it, do NOT change its name.